Minggu, 05 Januari 2014

Grapich organizer of essay

English for Young Leaners

            English for young leaners are in Elementery school aging 8-10 years old who are to learning English as foreigh language. In the school the teacher give information in the children then the children to learning of creative, understanding, skill.There are 3 kinds of characteristics of the teacher in English for young leaners  smart, patience, discipline.
    The teacher is tutor for the children in matter of helping the children to know, understand, comprehend, idea attitude, skill, have fun and information which will be used in changing and in redefining their thought foward their daily surrounding situation. Teaching is guiding, helping facility the students to know to understand to comparehed ideas, skill, information used tricks, strategy in learning.
Some the children give different chateristics. The children there faster developmental changes than with those under six and any of the children that start off slowly will later start to develop rapidly, so avoid judging one child as slower than the others, be patient, ask your co-teachers to help you give more attention to the children who need it
                        Disicpline is important for the children. The teacher give discipline for the children because the discipline to get children to do things themselves. teach children to learn from the things that are usually done daily at home by the parents, undergo a good thing then Teach children how to identify ways to solve the problem. These skills would be very beneficial for children in this age range and an important case learn self-discipline.          
                        So the teacher young learners’ developing language skills and equip them with the tools they need to become effective language learners for life. We do this through our communicative teaching methods delivered by dedicated and professional teachers to help young learners achieve their maximum potential.

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