Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013


Traditional market vs Supermarket
            Tradisional market is one of place meet  beyers and seller directly and we are free to offer a price of the seller. While supermarket the price been determined of supermarker own and also a kinds need which we bought also to limited. However the tradisional market of situation are dirty so that some people tend to be uncomfortable buy comparison supermarket that plece clean, strategic and supermarket place also near from our home. In tradisional market a price cheap and we are free buy vegetables, fish, chicken, fruits and many other kinds, in supermarket to expensive, many kinds of vegetables, fruits, fish, chicken to limited. Quality in supermarket more good quality compared the tradional market. Parking space in a traditional market less neat than the exiting supermarket parking lot with neat, if we going to tradional market we are bring bag alone but in supermarket in there to prepare bag. 

2 komentar:

  1. I think your paragraph is good, but the structure of sentence still wrong. in the sentence " the traditional market of situation" it should be "the situation of traditional market".

  2. i like your topic and some sentences you explain about the differences between traditional market and supermarket.But I agree with Rizkia that some structure of sentences is wrong..
    miss..'buyer' not 'beyer'
